Affiliate Products

A carefully curated set of products we use when delivering our services and that we recommend to you for your rehabilitation & fitness journey

Prevent Sprain Socks are scientifically designed to prevent and lower the severity of ankle injuries. These socks have built in tension straps and medical grade compression to support and stabilize the ankle while improving blood flow. From professional athletes to those who work on their feet all day, everyone can benefit from Prevent Sprain Socks.

Use code: ATOMICPT for free shipping at PREVENTSPRAINSOCKS.COM

Recommended products

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands

We recommend this set of bands when we’re working on fundamental hip strength. The variety of resistances also permits use for upper body rehabilitation for wrist and shoulder.

LEEKEY Resistance Band Set

From assisting you in pull ups to improving the strength of your shoulders, these bands are multi-purpose and sturdy for all of your resistance needs. They also couple well with an at home strength program when you don't have time to hit the gym or are travelling. Speak to us to learn more of how you can utilize these bands.

REFUN Kinesiology Tape Precut

We use this tape in our clinic and think it’s great value for money. Not sure how to use it? We can go over various taping strategies during your appointment.

Sweet Sweat Hip Bands and Resistance Set

These are great to add more resistance and challenge to your lower body workouts such as squats and deadlifts. The thickness and material of the bands work better than your typical resistance bands and stay in place better due to the inner lining.

The Original Stretch Out Strap with Exercise Book

Tight hamstrings? What about hip flexors? This strap is amazing at helping you get into positions to stretch whichever body part you need without feeling like you're an acrobat in the process.

THERABAND Resistance Bands Set

We tend to choose this band set for things like rotator cuff strengthening exercises and ankle strengthening.

YOGABODY Naturals Toe Spreaders & Separators

A great way to give your feet some space and promote a more natural foot positioning. Especially beneficial if you've been wearing tight fitting shoes or are suffering from bunions.

Crossover Symmetry Shoulder System

If you're serious about your shoulder rehab and want to implement some intense strengthening programs to your life, this is for you. This set comes with a range of exercises that are easy to follow and put into your program. We can also work together to figure out the best set of exercises to focus on for issue.

Gonex Hand Grip Strengthener

For anyone rehabbing a wrist or finger, this Gonex hand grip strengthener is great for increasing strength challenges while focusing on the muscles that are the most important.

Premium Adjustable Orthopedic Heel Lift

Our go to heel lift for achilles tendonitis pain.

Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

Whatever journey you’re on, we’re here to help.